Big Ticket Client Attraction Mastery

Big Ticket Client Attraction Mastery is a seven week online
class specifically for consultants, coaches, experts and
others who fall into one of these two categories:

During this class, you’ll learn:

  • How to create the perfect business model that’s strategically designed
    to hit your income targets and lifestyle goals without stress and overwhelm..
  • Exactly how much to charge per client in order to hit your income goals fast
    while creating amazing results for your dream clients.
  • Your most valuable work that produces the most revenue and impact for your dream clients.
  • How to identify your dream clients and position yourself as the ideal choice in your market.
  • How to use the A.C.E. Method™ to magnetically attract those prospects to you.
  • How to quickly create an automated client attraction that generates high quality
    leads and converts them into high paying clients.
  • How to use the “Effortless Enrollment Method™” to consistently enroll $3,000 – $10,000 clients
    in ONE Call like a master (without being salesy or pushy)


Perpetual Profit Machine

The Perpectual Profit Machine is a Step by Step home study course that shows you how to:

Determine the best type of lead magnet for attracting your perfect customers and clients.

Get the lead magnets created quickly so you can get sales faster.

Build the automated marketing systems that’s designed to attract endless amounts of leads online and convert them into clients who buy over and over again.


Unlimited Traffic System

Sick of buying every wiz bang traffic course that hits that market?

The Unlimited Traffic System is your one stop shop for online traffic training.

From getting high targeted traffic for pennies using Facebook,to getting free training using powerful platforms like Podcast and Blogs, Marquel has you covered.


6-Figure Coaching Mastery

The coaching industry is one of the fastest growing industries on the planet and the possibilities are endless. In 6-Figure Coaching
Mastery, you will discover how to:Start a career as a coach, work from anywhere, and get paid to make a real difference in people’s lives.If you’re just starting out, 6-Figure Coaching Mastery will give you everything you need to become a coach and launch your coaching practice in 90 days, or less(and have clients paying you $3,000 – $10,000 for your services – even if nobody has ever heard of you).If you’re already a coach, 6-Figure Coaching Mastery can exponentially increase your coaching skills and help you build a powerful system for getting all the clients you need online.


Podcasting Made Easy

Learn how to create, grow and monetize your podcast from the best in the business

You have unique passions and experiences to share with the world – a message that can help make a huge impact in others’ lives. Whether you’ve been sharing those passions and experiences for years or you’ve just discovered them, podcasting is a medium that will help you share your message with the world.

Through podcasting you’re able to reach a wide audience, create an intimate connection with your listeners, gain authority and credibility in your niche, and finally share your message with the world.


Instant Productivity Secrets

In Instant Productivity you will discover:

The Top 7 Profit Producing Activities For Any Home Business

My Secret Formula For Unlimited Motivation & Productivity

How to Plan Your Week Around Growth Activities Vs. Surface Activities

The T.O.C Formula That Will Instantly Cut Your Work Hours In Half

The Key Tasks You Should Be Outsourcing In Your Business

How To Double Your Income In The Next 30 Days

How To Create Simple Processes For Everything You Do In Your Business

How to Double Your Reading Speed So You Can Learn Faster In Less Time And Stay Light Years Ahead Of Your Competition…

So If You’d Like to Double Your Productivity, Gain Immediate Clarity, & Always Know What To Do Next In Your Business To Generate Revenue Then Grab Instant Productivity Now
